Assalamualaikum w.b.t and hello guys. Hope you guys were in good condition. Today i would like to share our activity for last month. We student of DCS,LRM & STK have a trip at Jelobu,Negeri Sembilan.We go there by bus. It was about two bus and one mini van. It about 40 student include the teachers. We go there about 2 days and 1 night which it were full of activitties all time. We did many activity in teamwork. At the first day we arrived at the place, we have to walk trought the hill to go to the camp site. It take about 15 minutes to arrived at the campsite. It very challenging since i havent jog about more than one month. Hahaha. Cloth all sweat. Then when we arrived there we have some instruction from the leader camp. He gave us instruction where to put our stuff and where build a camp. After that we as muslim prefer to do our solat asar and then start to build up our camp. then we prepare to recite solat maghrib and also isya'. After all that settel, we have some talk from our camp comands . He give us some advice as a grown uo teenager which be a very usefull to us. We got many advice to guide us to be a better person for our life. He also share about his past to us. He told a story of his life when he was a soldier before. It really a good touch for a heart at our age like now.Then, it was at 12.00 a.m in the midnight. We start to prepare to go for nightwalk in the jungle. haha. This is the best part. We were told not to use our phone during the nightwalk. It was very challenging since it the grass were wet and pretty muddy there. It was so slippery and wet there. The best part when it come to the piggy scene. This piggy was diffrent from the ordinary pig thus this is the pig of the jungle. It dangerous because if you move when you meet them it will come to hit you with thier horn. Then, after going through the jungle.about 2.30 a.m we return to our capmsite to have a rest . The next day, we woke up then we have some breakfast. We dont get a chance to bath so i deceide to bath when we return to our hostel. hahaha. th3e next activities strt and this is the sweet memories that i wont forget. We play game which it was a war. It really challinging because we have to go ater our oppent site to pick up flag. The first team got to take the oppent teams flag will declare as a winner. In this game a be the leader to attack the enemy base. we have a plastic ice cream bag to amke as abomb. we fill the bag with syrup and water. So, when it hit enemy body they will be eliminated. At the end of the ,my clan were out of bomp so i deceide just to go attck them with splited them out and someone just ran to get the flag. But,at last i fall twice when they chase after me. The real blood came out. hahaha. till to today the scars still remind at my shoulder. Last,the camp comands blew the wistle mean the game has come to end. Then,we were b\give instruction to have a rest for few minutes before the closing for thr camp.After all the speech settel, we pack our stuff and keep the camp down and clean the campsite. After that we walk back at the bus park and go back to our hostel at IKM,KL. Okay guys here i spent some picture of the camp trip and thank you for reading my story. Untill we meet again. Assalamualaikum w.b.t. :)
